iSchool facilitates seamless connectivity among schools, teachers, students, and parents, fostering enhanced collaboration within the educational ecosystem.

01 Challenge
To craft a white-label, customizable web/mobile platform tailored to aid schools in task management, while enhancing communication among teachers, parents, and students. This adaptable solution seamlessly integrates with any school system, offering customizable entries for each module to suit diverse needs.
02 My Role
As the Lead Product Designer UX for this app, I orchestrate a user-centric design process that begins with thorough interviews of all school stakeholders, including teachers, parents, students, and administrators. By gathering insights and understanding their unique perspectives and needs, I inform the design decisions to ensure the app effectively meets their requirements. Collaborating closely with cross-functional teams, I advocate for continuous improvement and innovation, integrating user feedback to enhance the app’s usability and functionality. My role encompasses architecting the system design, overseeing interface creation, and driving a culture of collaboration and communication to deliver a seamless user experience for all involved in the educational ecosystem.
03 Solution
In addressing the communication challenge, our observation of students and parents revealed that 80% tend to avoid inbox messages. Consequently, we opted to circumvent the traditional inbox approach. Instead, we devised an intuitive solution: a feed that consolidates all school-related activities for students, ensuring easy access and engagement.

User Personas


Parents play a crucial role in providing teachers with insights into their children’s abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. Understanding the context in which children are growing up is vital, as it greatly influences school readiness. Additionally, parents often desire to track their children’s school activities, including sports events and travels.


For teachers, it is crucial to implement a transparent communication process for parents, ensuring they are consistently updated not only on their child’s academic progress but also on their behavior and overall well-being. By maintaining open lines of communication, parents can remain informed about all aspects of their child’s education, fostering a collaborative relationship between home and school.


Research indicates that when students are aware of an open line of communication between their parents and teachers, they are more likely to be transparent with both parties. This transparency not only fosters trust but also encourages students to take ownership of their education, leading to improved academic outcomes.

Teacher User Flow

The User Flow creation process allowed us to visualize the sequential steps a teacher would take within the app. This visualization aided in planning the essential functions to be designed and determining the content required for each screen.

Sketches & wireframes

Colors & Material

light Blue


Magenta Magma
Night Sky


What We Delivered